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Can you take a quick survey for the NECMS meetup?

From: David L.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 3:48 AM


I'm very excited to get the New England CMS meetup back up and running! I need your help though, can you fill out this survey? This will help me better understand you, the members, and how best to setup this meetup going forward.

A little about me

My name is David Lozzi, I'm a DXM consultant with Slalom in Boston. I have been an organizer of the Boston O365 User Group for the last 4 years which has seen great growth and has brought impact to the Boston community. I am excited to do the same here in the CMS/DXM space! I look forward to meeting you! Feel free to check me out and connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn and my blog. As you'll see, I've been traditionally an O365 guy. I am venturing out, backed by a great team at Slalom, and look forward to pulling in much smarter people than myself into this meetup :D

Thank you!



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