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Week 11: Drupal Diner, Season 1

From: Leslie G.
Sent on: Sunday, November 30, 2014, 6:15 PM

Welcome to Week 11 of Drupal Diner, Season 1. We have dined on all the main courses at the Drupal Diner and last week we learned how to update Drupal sites, a critical skill for site security. Now we really can relax and enjoy the final meal at the Diner for this season.

Your goal for the week is to read Appendix B - Choosing the right modules. As you continue to build Drupal sites you will need to make choices on which contributed modules to include in each site. The menu is extensive, there are over 17,000 modules available for Drupal 7. Learning how to select modules is an important Drupal skill.

There are no exercises to complete in this chapter, however following the steps presented will be very helpful for your understanding of these important Drupal ingredients.

To follow along with the chapter you will need an account on Your d.o profile lets other in the Drupal community know what your expertise is and how you have given back to the community. With a d.o account you can add issues to the issue queues and contribute code or documentation to Drupal. As an example, here's my account

Post a message to the Appendix B discussion area after reading the chapter and let other Diners know what you found helpful in this appendix or in the Drupal Diner course in general.

Season 1 is running with 27 confirmed diners.  Here is the progress of those seated in booths at the diner:

Those diners still in line waiting to take a enjoy their first course:

With Thanksgiving behind us and the holidays fast approaching, take some time out for yourself and complete a chapter or two this week. Don't be discouraged if you are only at the beginning of the dining experience, the diner will stay open late to give you time to catch up. Take a few bites now to get a taste of the great Drupal menu you are missing!

Happy dining!
Leslie Glynn - Senior Percolator
Nikhil Dubbaka  - Assistant Percolator


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