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CRUNCH, the Practical Big Data Conference in October

From: Tamas N.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 1, 2015, 2:09 PM

Let me call your attention to an exciting, and very practical Big Data conference CRUNCH, dedicated to data engineers, data scientists, PMs or leaders of any data driven companies between 28-30 October in Budapest.

The speaker line-up is very promising: Doug Cutting - Father of Hadoop, Alistair Croll - Author of the best selling book ‘Lean Analytics’, and data professionals from companies like Cloudera, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey, Spotify and Skyscanner will share their best practices and insights about how they do AB testing, build recommendation system or self service data solutions. Read more about the program at­, which includes 4 practical workshops as well.

Early bird tickets are sold out, but the organizers of the non-profit conf, Prezi and Ustream gave us a limited number of discounted tickets. Use the code BudapestDS that gives you $50 discount from the regular priced ticket.

Tickets and more info:, Video:­ 

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