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The Book of Mormon: Broadway Across America group discount

From: Rachel H.
Sent on: Monday, May 6, 2013, 1:51 PM

The Book of Mormon is coming to Austin in October. This is not being scheduled as a CFI meet up. However, I can get a really good price if I can get 15 people to buy tickets in advance. I will also be asking other people outside this group, so I can get to 15 people. Unfortunately, the deadline for group purchases is this Friday!! If you are able and willing to purchase a ticket for $55, please let me know ASAP! These would be first balcony seats on either Friday, October 4th at 8pm, or Saturday, October 5th at 2pm. It's showing at Bass Concert Hall. I need a commitment to purchase by this Thursday, and I need to collect the money by Friday, April 17th.

If you would like to go, email me at [address removed] and I will send you my mailing address so that you can mail me a check.


Thank you,

Rachel Harger


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