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What we’re about

Where actual inquiring minds meet.
This Austin Meetup was formed so people with a similar, secular understanding of the world could get together and build friendships, find support, exchange ideas and simply have fun! There are several events listed every month - from educational programs to social activities. You will find a Lecture Series, Discussion Group, Book Group, dining out, Community Volunteer Programs - most are free and new folks are always welcome. Most members do not attend all of the events all of the time (including group organizers) - but they are all for folks like us to get together as much as we can. The idea is to meet new people and to catch up with ones we have known a while. Most events are sponsored by the Center for Inquiry Austin; however some events that might interest CFI Austin members also get posted. Come be a part of the Austin secular community!
We are now a semi-autonomous chapter of the Center For Inquiry Transnational.

During the 2020-21 pandemic most of our activities were put on hold. As we re-emerge we will need a core of volunteers to help us move forward. If you wish to get involved, please message Steve Bratteng or Rachel Harger.

Upcoming events (4+)

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