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The very best place in town to find love easily...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 12:35 PM


Dear friends,


"Thomorrow Conscious Living Dublin will be the best place in town to find love. Why? Simply because there will be a bunch of people looking for love:-)! So all our intentions will be aligned and we'll probably have new potential couples formed on the night just as it happened two years ago when Emma came to visit our group:-)!!

So don't forget to interact with one another especially during our social afterwards although Emma will offer us plenty of opportunities for interactions during the workshop.

So don't be surprised if, by the end of the evening, you won't feel like a single any more...or if you are already in a relationship, you feel connected to your partner like never before even if she/he is not in the room.

So see you all tomorrow for a blast of Love:-)!


I'll be there personally to welcome you all at the door!

Max Leone

(Conscious Living Dublin Organizer)



"Emma Tamplin is a Relationship Intuitive. She can see the past, future and Karma of a Relationship. She can also see the energy, feelings and blocks that hold her client's back from Attracting in love. She works with her client's Soul contract to get the correct information for both men and women.

Emma will also talk about the effect that 2012 energy is having on all Relationships at this time. If you are in a Relationship or you would like to attract one in, this Talk is for you!



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