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Before you know it you’ll be bumping into perfect partners all the time...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Sunday, September 9, 2012, 5:31 PM


Dear friends,

If there is one big question that nags almost all singles, it’s how to find love. Should you go out there looking for love, or should you just wait for the secret law of attraction to start working its magic? After all, finding love in a world that’s so full of people with that same desire shouldn't be hard at all! When it seems to be hard at time, it’s simply because something at the core of its dynamics need to be reviewed or rediscovered. (the 2012 paradigm shift in relationships).

After that, we can leave it to the law of attraction, because truth be told, it really works, and it’s very easy, but you first need to "properly implement it" in your life, so that it can then work for you (naturally and magically...:-).

By attending this workshop you will understand the real way in which the law of attraction in love works, and you will no longer have to wonder about how to find love. The ball will roll and before you know it, you’ll find yourself in situations where the odds of love will be high and you’ll be bumping into perfect partners all the time!

You will see how falling in love and meeting the perfect partner can become such a wonderful and fairytale experience!! - With only one difference: you will no longer have to buy a romance to experience will have your own romance:).


See you on Wednesday!


Love & Light

Max Leone & The Conscious Living Dublin Team (CLD)



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