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The voice of Fear and the voice of Love...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Sunday, April 10, 2016, 7:07 AM

Dear friend,

This is my thought for the week. For you to ponder and to live it, if it resonates with you...

Very often, especially when making important decisions, it's almost as if we had two voices in our head pulling us in opposite directions.

One tells us to stay where we are, the other to embrace the change.
One is concerned about security and with what we can lose; the other is concerned with meaning and what we can become.
One is attached with what has been; the other is inspired by what can be.

One is the voice of FEAR, and the other is the voice of LOVE.
Clarity doesn't come from having only one voice in your head, but from knowing which one is speaking...And when it's worth listening...

Max Leone (Conscious Living Founder & Organiser)

On Tuesday, during my speech, I'll make it clear for you to know how to discern the voice of LOVE from the voice of Fear (especially during taught times)).

To RSVP "YES" to this event, visit:


When you finally let go of everything that you are not, you discover that all that is left of you is made of what you were seeking...(Happiness, Joy, Love...) Max Leone

For more information, or to RSVP "YES" for this event, CLICK HERE

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