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Re: [conservative-137] ebola nurse

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, October 27, 2014, 4:24 PM
complete agreement,,,,,,,selfish me first troll.I kind of thought at first there was something wrong with the logic of her rights VS that of a nation.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country
"It's circular reasoning where, you know, I'm going to ask someone to surrender their rights; if they refuse, that's evidence that I need to take their rights away from them.( TSA logic)

On Monday, October 27,[masked]:50 AM, Judith <[address removed]> wrote:

I was thinking the other day that the bitching whining complaining nurse who was automatically quarantined in NJ was most likely a leftist constantly whining in the media to take down Rep Gov Christie---and she'd likely have said nothing had she been quarantined in NY where the corrupt totalitarian Andrew Cuomo rules.

Today's article in Drudge tends to confirm that--now she's going to sue.

The two Governors are doing what the feds should have done and all she has to do to put more people at risk is find the right agenda-driven leftist judge. 

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