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Content Strategy Seattle past event slides, future events news

From: Misty W.
Sent on: Monday, June 24, 2013, 6:17 PM

Greetings Content Strategy Seattle!

Twas a fantastic night and a full house on June 17th for our first event at Makerhaus. Thanks so much to Two Pens and Cathie Toshach of IXDA Seattle for organizing, sponsoring and making it happen. Slides from presentations are below.

Next up, we have a special event Piecora's Pizza on July 1. When we heard D.C.'s own Ahava Leibtag was visiting Seattle in advance of her upcoming book, we had to throw a party. We've set up a casual evening event to meet Ahava and learn more about her work. If you're not familiar with her blog Online It All Matters, it's required reading!

There's a lot of interest in hosting future meetups. If you'd like to plan, host or volunteer to lead a meetup, visit our new Host a Meetup page. Meetups are suggested and organized by ALL members of this meetup group but the organizers are happy to offer advice on looking for spaces, choosing dates and how we find sponsors. We're excited to see what you plan next!

June 17 Content Critique Slides

Emily Warn and Cynthia Hartwig - Two Pens - Zappo's Content Brand Strategy

Misty Weaver - Content Insight - Content Experience at ModCloth



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