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Job: Head of Content at PayPal (in San Jose)

From: James C.
Sent on: Saturday, June 1, 2013, 11:14 AM



Karen McGrane asked if we could pass along this position description. It's not in the Seattle area, but it's a fantastic job description.

If you're interested or know someone who might be, this is a great opportunity.

Head of Content, PayPal

We’re looking for a dynamic leader to oversee all of our content initiatives internally and externally. We want an expert who can lead a team, evolve our processes, and help create a better experience for our customers.

You’re a content strategy thought leader who can:

* Evangelize the importance of content with executives and stakeholders.
* Develop a clear and compelling vision for how content supports business goals; share this with the discipline and broader organization.
* Motivate and inspire your team to embrace change and act as leaders on their teams.
* Stay at the forefront of content strategy trends and integrate them into daily practice.
* Work effectively at the intersection of content, technology, and design.
* Articulate and rationalize content decisions to persuade our partners across the organization.
* Use research, data, and metrics to ensure content work and standards support optimal user experiences and business goals.
* Think globally. Constantly consider the implications of content decisions on global teams and products.

Our ideal candidate will model PayPal’s Shared Commitments and Shared Behaviors:

Shared Commitments
* Create experiences our customers love.
* Innovate constantly, compete fiercely.
* Execute well, every day.
* Enable talented people to thrive.
* Drive success, NPS, eNPS and EPS.

Shared Behaviors
* Be the customer.
* Simplify. Clarify.
* Debate, decide and deliver.
* Be open, honest and direct.
* Do the right thing.

Your responsibilities:

* Define a strategy for how content will support PayPal business goals. Refine and evolve that strategy based on market data.
* Develop standards and best practices for creation, management, maintenance, and governance of content, overseeing both editorial and technological processes in an agile/Lean UX environment.
* Establish and maintain a workflow for requesting, creating, publishing, evaluating, and retiring content.
* Represent content at the senior level, collaborating with senior team members in UX, design, marketing, public relations, customer service, IT, legal, and human resources.
* Supervise and manage a team of writers and content strategists based in San Jose, Boston and Austin.
* Measure and evaluate content quality on an ongoing basis and use research and data to ensure its effectiveness in both U.S. and global markets.
* Ensure a consistent and appropriate use of content globally, and optimize and help automate our globalization and translation processes.
* Help drive the development of a content management system and related tools for collaborating with team members.

This role is a full-time position based in San Jose.

Bev Maeda
User Experience Design
bmaeda at paypal dot com

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