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Content Strategy and IA Meetup cross-over event August 12

From: Misty W.
Sent on: Thursday, August 7, 2014, 11:45 AM

Hi all,

Misty Weaver (that's me!) is hosting and speaking at the next IA meetup on August 12th. I want to invite the Content Strategy Community to join us for a special evening. If you're not a part of the IA/UX meetup, check them out. If you are, I apologize for this cross-posting.

Topic: Editorial Strategy as Empathy for the Internal User
It's Dev meets IA meets content strategy!
Speakers: James Sweeney and Misty Weaver
Location: WeWork Seattle, South Lake Union
Timing: Doors at 6 pm, Speakers at 7 pm, over by 8:30
Registration: RSVP online $10, free for WeWork Tenants

Come for the networking, the knowledge sharing, the awesome people who are crazy about making the web a better experience.

Special guest Ahava Leibtag, author of The Digital Crown: Winning at Content on the Web. She can sign your copy!

We need volunteers! Contact Misty via email or at @meaningmeasure if you can help:

  • Monitor doors and let people in the building
  • Set up and run registration
  • Set up and keep the food and drink flowing

We all help clean up...


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