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Catholic Cruise Tonight

From: Dave C.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 9:36 AM

Hi Guys,


I have 5 tickets left for the Catholic Cruise tonight at 6"30pm. ( out of 30 ).  If you wish to attend you will need to make a reservation.  E-mail [address removed] to get the remaining tickets!  Details below or at

I hope you join




The Catholic Connection Happy Hour Cruise

Suggested Peer Group: All

There is nothing like seeing the New York City Skyline from NY Harbor as the sun sets behind the Statue of Liberty. Add dozens of fun loving and friendly CRC members and members of other catholic Young Adult Groups and their friends and you have the formula for a winning night.

We are proud to announce our 8th year of Happy Hour Cruises on the Zephyr Party Boat. The Zephyr feature 3 decks, 2 bars a live dj and a dance floor. In case of rain there is plenty to do on the enclosed decks with all your new friends.

The night features:

-6pm Happy Hour Cocktails at Skippers Café on pier 16.
-6:30 departure from South Street Seaport pier 16
-Ship sails up East River then down around the tip of Manhattan and up The Hudson and back down to NY Harbor for stunning up close views of the Statue of liberty at sunset. All along the way we will have a special section set aside for CRC members to mix and mingle or you can meet others on the ship that is usually filled with other fun groups.
-8pm return to dock where you can hang out on board and party till 8:30pm or join the group over at Sequoia for food and drinks.

The 2,3,5,A,C,J,Z all stop within a few blocks of the South Street Seaport.
Prepayment only.

Proceeds will benefit The CRC Fund at Holy Trinity

Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Meet at Skippers at Seaport, Pier 16, South Street Seaport
Price: $25
For info contact: Cervini, Dave - [address removed]

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