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Senior Software Engineer (ROR, Java, C#/.NET) in New York, NY. Full Time Opportunity.

From: Julia
Sent on: Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 3:32 PM
An exciting and already successful startup in the enterprise resource management space is looking to double their team in the next few months. The company is VC-backed and is already operating successfully with a strong revenue. They are looking for smart and passionate software engineers who like to jump into a rapidly growing company and contribute to its strategy from an early stage. You will be working with some incredibly smart individuals within a pretty flat org structure. They offer competitive compensation (base+bonus), equity and benefits, as well as opportunity to grow within the organization.

Skills Required:
3+ (ideally 5-10) years in Software Engineering 
Strong understanding of OOP/D fundamentals
Passion for creating world class products
Experience coding large products in either Ruby on Rails, Java, C#/.NET or LAMP
Full stack development Front, Middle Tier and some Back end (SQL or noSQL)

Cool to have
Ruby on Rails development
Successful Start-up experience 

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