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[JOB] - Ruby Developers - Mid, Senior and Lead openings up to 150K - Advanced Financial Products

From: Matthew S.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 10:49 PM
Hello all,

It's been awhile since I have reached out and I just wanted to reach out really quickly with regard to some openings that I have with a very strong Ruby team. I have openings from the mid level all the way up to a lead role with an already strong 10 person development team. The salaries range from 90K to 150K.

The products being worked on are some of the most advanced of their kind and continue to grow.

Ruby Developers - Mid, Senior and Lead openings up to 150K

I can provide more information if you want to hear more.

Please let me know if you are interested!


Matthew Smith | COO
Smith & Keller |
228 Park Ave S. | New York, NY 10003
Phone:  [masked] ext. 202 | [address removed]

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