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Come join London's largest, most active and of course - friendliest book club!

Welcome to London's largest and most active book club for! Our club provides a welcoming and friendly environment for people to meet and discuss contemporary fiction from diverse authors. Whether you're a seasoned Londoner or a new resident of the city, we invite you to join us and make new friends while exploring the world of literature.

Our book club focuses on contemporary fiction published recently, with an emphasis on reading from a diverse range of authors. We aim to facilitate engaging conversations that explore the themes, characters, and writing styles of each book. Our meetings typically include a structured discussion led by a designated moderator, followed by a social period where members can chat and get to know each other better.

We hold our meetings on Tuesday evenings in Highbury, with multiple sessions available if there is enough demand. Members are required to attend a session to join, and we encourage newcomers to RSVP and introduce themselves before attending their first meeting. Please note, we hold multiple sessions for each book. They're the same session - so you just need to RSVP to one!

By joining our book club, you'll have the opportunity to read and discuss interesting books, learn about new perspectives, and expand your reading horizons. Our club also offers a growing WhatsApp group for regulars to talk throughout the week, as well as weekly pub quiz meetups on Sundays.

The book club is run by a team of dedicated organizers: Daniel, Razwana, Daria, Estelle, Tom, Ezra and Jack. We look forward to welcoming you to our book club and exploring the world of contemporary fiction together!

Bevorstehende Events (4+)

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