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The Law of Attraction and Childhood Trauma https://amzn.to/2XrXN85

John Assaraf - presenter in the film The Secret states the Law of Attraction does not work for 99.9% of people.
However, research has found that when you start to clear away the residues of lack and want acquired in your childhood, when you start to put your needs first you attract continual abundance and joy into your life. 
You attract what you are.

All members are strongly advised to join a 12 step programme pertaining to any other issue that is reducing the quality of their life.
Directory of meetings available here: http://12step.org


So, in this group, you will acknowledged and address your needs now and the unmet needs of your inner child (Chucky).  Your inner child's needs were not met if you experienced adverse childhood experiences ("ACEs") in your family home.   Whether moderate of extreme these experiences were traumatic to the child and his/her developing brain. Now as an adult, the residues of these experiences continue to control your behaviour, thoughts and feelings.
Find out your ACE score here.




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