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Über uns

The American International Club of Zurich was founded in 1957 and provides a non-political, international networking forum for members of all nationalities. The AICZ has no political  affiliations or objectives, and is not a profit-making organization.

Regardless of age, gender, nationality or profession, our members enjoy the candid openness and positive, friendly atmosphere that is so inherent in North American culture. Whether in Switzerland for professional or personal reasons, members and their families enjoy spending time with other like-minded people to fully benefit from and enrich the experience of living here.

Thanks to our several membership categories – individual, student, family, as well as corporate memberships - we have long term members and also members that may only be in Switzerland for a short business assignment.

The AICZ prides itself on
·      promoting a supportive community spirit among members
·      assisting members and their families in their adjustment to Swiss culture and lifestyle
·      fostering fellowship and friendly relationships among the members of AICZ and their Swiss communities
·      maintaining good relations and cooperating with other organizations in Zurich with similar goals or purposes.

We are a strong club of a great group of people!

www.aicz.chAmerican International Club of Zurich

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