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Über uns

The Berlin Skills Exchange is formed with the spirit of continuous education, collaboration and knowledge transfer in mind. We aim to bring together talented people who can mutually benefit from each other's ideas, skills, knowledge and connections.

This is an opportunity to get help from others with expertise in their field, at the same time keeping an open mind to sharing your knowledge. It's also a great opportunity to network and find like-minded talent.

This group is profession-agnostic. We expect a large representation from Berlin's growing tech community, freelancers and entrepreneurs, but it certainly is not limited to this. We invite people from all walks of life, e.g. artists who need website help, musicians who need a new logo, designers who need some programming advice, programmers who need some business advice, founders in search of a co-founder, and so on.


Currently we hold a series of talks and workshops revolving around relevant topics of professional and personal growth such as: <br>

growing your customer base, online marketing, ways to becoming a freelancer or entrepreneur, learning to program, leadership and effective communication skills, time & project management, lessons from agile development for personal project management, graphic design and building a website. More suggestions are welcome.

If you'd like to give a presentation, feel free to get in touch with Ralph (the organizer) hallo@ralphpache.de

Bevorstehende Events (1)

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