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Über uns

This group was founded by a bunch of curious people, who wanted to understand what cryptocurrencies and the blockchain are, how we can benefit from them, and what their chances and risks are.

This group is for everyone who is curious, too. Who is just getting started in the crypto world. Or who is already plugged in, and wants to meet like-minded people to learn and share knowledge.

We are NOT a hardcore tech-meetup about algorithms, protocols and cryptology. So: no doctor’s degree required ;-)

INSTEAD, this meetup is for you if:
-You want to learn what the hype of crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Monero, IOTA, Cardano, etc. is all about
-You want to take the first steps into this complex world together with like-minded people
-You want to understand, if investing in cryptocurrencies makes sense
-You have heard about "ICOs", and want to learn more about what it is 

- You want to know what Smart Contracts are and how they can be the basis of so many applications in the real world

-You wanna know if Mining is still profitable in Europe
-You want to discuss and learn from more experienced people
-You want to comprehend the chances AND risks of this space

If you JOIN this group, you’ll also receive the members-only “Crypto Cheat Sheet” by email. It includes all the basic concepts of cryptocurrencies and the block chain, to get you started right away until our next meetup.

See you on one of our next meetups!

All the best,

Michael and Florian

PS: Wanna learn more about the crypto world and get involved into our discussions? Join our Facebook Group now: http://crptr.io/t4myek