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Über uns

The world is changing faster than ever before and Sustainable Outcomes are often neglected. Resiliency demands that you know more and adapt quickly.

Organizations of every size are struggling to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers and society. Customers are more informed, responsible for their future and their expectations are higher than they’ve ever been. Employees demand more clarity, empowerment, and meaning in their work. It is only high-performing, adaptable, and agile organizations who will thrive in this unpredictable market. We call this Sustainable Business Agility.

At its simplest, Sustainable Business Agility is the capacity and willingness of an organization to adapt to, create, leverage, and sustain change for their customer’s benefit. This simple statement exposes the dramatic shift in mindset needed for agile organizations. Where how you respond to the market is reliably more predictable than how the market responds to you.

Our Meetup will start with ONLINE events aiming at interactive talks, lean coffee, fish-bowls and other formats based on context.

Topics in the near future may include: Agile Strategy, Agile HR, Leadership Agility, De-Scaling, Scaling, Agile Procurement, Finance, Legal, Regulation together with R&D, Business, and IT

Bevorstehende Events (3)

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