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Über uns

Hello I'm Quentin Drain, the founder of Interstellar Career Coaching.

This group is for anyone who is unhappy with their current or previous career, and want to make a shift to work providing fulfilment and meaning to their life.

My mission is to help people create careers they love. My belief is that our careers are major determinants of our quality of life. We usually spend half our waking hours in work-related activity, and if we are not loving our work then we're not loving our life.

While it's easy to relate to our career as providing income and to get trapped in the pay cycle, there's a larger question I'm interested in which is what is our life's work? What work is going to bring real meaning to our life? To bring us pride as we look back on our life, and to keep us inspired about future possibilities?

You likely do not have a clear idea of what it is you'd like to do next, or have barriers to getting there. I will work with you through a structured and proven framework for gaining this career clarity and building the bridge to get there.

My workshops for this Meetup group will touch on key topics like Creating Headspace, Gaining Career Clarity, Boosting Confidence, and Powering up your Action Plan.

Bevorstehende Events (1)

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