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Über uns

This group is a regional platform for everyone who is interested in cloud technologies and platforms. We love to share our experiences and learnings from real world scenarios with each other and provide insights into cutting-edge topics.


What is it all about?

• Cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, Knative,…

• Platforms like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform

• Practices like DevOps, SRE, Build automation,…

• Architectural patterns like Microservices, Serverless,... 


Is this the right group for me?

• If you like to play with cutting-edge technologies, this is your group for sure :-)

• We especially target at developers, IT/platform architects, DevOps engineers, SREs,…


How is the group organized?

• We plan at least one meeting per quarter.

• We like to make our meetings as interactive as possible, this includes interesting talks with hands-on parts or live demos and enough time for open discussions and networking.

• During COVID-19, all meetings take place as online events via Zoom. (Previously: We can use the rooms and infrastructure of viadee. Snacks and drinks will be provided. And there is a football table (“Kicker”)!)

• Of course, all meetings are free of charge.

• What about giving a talk? We are always open for speakers! Please don’t hesitate to contact us: https://tinyurl.com/cfp-cloudnativerheinland