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Streamlining GitOps Adoption with Portainer

Foto von Michael Lihs
Hosted By
Michael L. und Max


In the evolving world of DevOps, GitOps is fast becoming a popular approach, with Git serving as the cornerstone for efficient and reliable software delivery. This presentation offers a concise exploration of GitOps, emphasizing its benefits and the role of Portainer, a leading container management tool, in simplifying its adoption.
We will begin by briefly outlining the rise and significance of GitOps within the current DevOps landscape. The discussion will then transition to an overview of the most prominent GitOps tools, their unique features, and contributions to operational efficiency.
Finally, we will focus on Portainer and highlight its capabilities in facilitating GitOps adoption. We will explore its distinctive features and how they enable users to effortlessly manage diverse container environments and orchestrators. A live demo featuring a real-world example of using Portainer for GitOps implementation will provide practical insights into the process.

Anthony Lapenna is a French software engineer with a passion for automation and open-source. He spent some years working as a system engineer/devops at a French startup, during which he discovered Docker. He then co-founded Portainer.io to create a user interface for Docker, which led to the development of Portainer. Currently, he is a product engineer for Portainer.io and continues to help people access containerization technology through various technologies and orchestrators, such as Docker and Kubernetes.

19:00 Get together & drinks
19:15 - 20:15 Presentation
20:15 - 21:30 Networking, food & drinks

We will meet in the doubleSlash office in Feuerbach (Stuttgart). You can take any of the S4, S5 trains or the U6, U13 - it's then a 8 min walk to the office building.

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Oswald-Hesse-Straße 48 · Stuttgart, BW