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Thanks for joining our Blockchain for Real Estate meetup!

The aim of this meetup is to exchange ideas on how to innovate the real estate industry with the help of blockchain - If you are interested in either blockchain or real estate this is the right place to show up.In case you are interested in presenting or you know someone you like me to invite to talk, just drop me a line! Thanks and see you soon!

This group is for anyone who is interested in Real Estate & Blockchain and thinks it can change the Real Estate industry. People in different Real Estate sectors who are looking for how technology can affect their industry and want to stay ahead of the curve are welcome . <br>The term blockchain refers to a technical concept whereby data is not stored in a central database, but on the decentralized systems of the users using encryption. We know Bitcoin, the digital currency and payment network, was the first application based on blockchain technology. The technology of blockchain is recently evaluated within the financial industry because it offers new options for handling payment and transactions. However, new ways of creating and signing contractual agreements are relevant to all industries where the secure transfer of data is at stake. We see great potential for adoption in various verticals.