Zum Inhalt springen

Über uns

Join us if you love to talk about flutter and ideally live in Austria or near Vienna.
We will try to hold monthly meetups in Vienna!

Code of Conduct
Please read the code of conduct before joining or sponsoring.

Our community:

Talks and sponsoring:
We are always looking for speakers and sponsors for our events.
If you are interested in either one, please contact us at talk@fluttervienna.at or sponsoring@fluttervienna.at for more information!

Please also make sure to read the fluttervienna/code-of-conduct upfront.
It applies to everyone attending, sponsoring or talking at our meetups. :)

Bevorstehende Events (1)

Alles ansehen
  • 23rd Flutter Vienna Meetup at Sentry.io
    Sentry, Wien
    • Foto von Simon Auer
    • Foto von Simon Eckerstorfer
    • Foto von Ilia Gutu
    • Foto von Richard Krikler
    • Foto von Yunet Luis Ruíz