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Über uns

GDG stands for Google Developer Group, the official name is GDG and we are a network of groups spread out over the world, connecting people and technology. 
GDG Düsseldorf is a group of people with an interest in technology, programming and usability. You don't have to be a developer to join - we are open to everyone, but an interest in technology and IT helps.
Our monthly meetups as well as other events are sponsored by several different sponsors.
The community is diverse and we are members from across the world. We try and keep it international, and many presentations are in English. When not, there are many people in the group who understand and speak both English and German and can help with the translation.
Come and join us. 

We used to be on Google Plus when that existed, that's how long we've been around.
Disclaimer: GDG Düsseldorf is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed on this page, on G+ or at our events should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.
GDG stands for Google Developers Groups and is a platform offered by Google Developers to support community-run developer groups.
Important: GDG is a community and we welcome members from all backgrounds, ages, genders, and so forth, what matters is that you have an interest in tech and an interest in our community.
We run this community together, that some names are listed only means that you can talk to us if you have any questions - any member who wants to volunteer, share ideas, get involved, share knowledge is very very welcome to do so! GDG Düsseldorf, #GDGDUS, is only as fun and interesting as WE, the members, make it!

Die GDG Düsseldorf ist eine Gruppe Technik-interessierter Anwender und Programmierer mit dem Focus auf die praktische Anwendung der einzelnen Google-Technologien. Weitere Themen, die uns interessieren sind Themen rund um die Softwareentwicklung z.B. mit Java. Treffen finden regelmäßig statt. Die Teilnahme ist selbstverständlich kostenlos und über eine kurze Ankündigung bei erscheinen würden wir uns freuen. Ansprechpartner sind Ann-Katrin, Benjamin,Randy, zusammen mit mereren Sponsoren.

Disclaimer:  GDG in general and GDG Düsseldorf is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed on this +Page should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.
GDG <> Google