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We Love to explore Green Spaces in Berlin 🌿

"In every walk in with nature, one receives far more than he seeks". 

                                                                                                    John Muir

The goal here is to co-create all sorts of walks, meetings and workshops where each of us can connect and feel the power of nature combined with photography, music, other forms of art and outdoor activities. 

We live in the digital world, where we spend plenty of time seating in front of monitors and the global situation shows that will be much more of this, much more us working online. Nothing bad in this until the time we also care about being around green spaces. 

Let's enjoy the benefits of being and creating close to nature! 

The Seasons will give us the possibility to find that at every time of the year we can actually feel how strong nature influence us and gives us lots of energy. 

Posts with the meeting, hiking, workshops suggestions are welcome, as well as other creative green sessions we can enjoy together. If you create music, photography and any other form of activities that we can arrange in outdoor spaces, feel free to contact us. 

Let's connect, talk, inspire and collaborate together!

Berlin gives us lots of Green Possibilities!

Berlin is Green!

Let's enjoy Green Sessions! 



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^Info about the upcoming events will be coming systematically, stay tuned.