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Über uns

In the dim-lit corners of smoky pubs, bars and cafes, a fellowship of unorthodox minds gathers - Heterodox London. Amidst the clinking of glasses and low hum of jazz, these radical freethinkers convene to voyage through uncharted intellectual waters. The air is thick with camaraderie and the scent of freshly rolled ideas. Bound not by conformity, but by a shared reverence for audacious inquiry, they delve into debates with the fervour of newly minted explorers in the jungle, yet with a respect as old as the hills.

With open hearts and sharpened wits, they defy convention, their discourse a ballet of daring ideas that pirouette laughing through the mist of dogma. United by a code of mutual respect, the Freethinkers foster a haven of honest exchange, where disagreements are treated as gems rather than obstacles. In this enclave of heretics, friendship flourishes like the ivy on the pub walls, embracing even those of dissenting doctrines. Thus, beneath the warm glow of truth-seeking souls, Heterodox London thrives - a testament to the art of civil dissent and the beauty of fellowship.


Heterodox London is a non-partisan group for radicals, mavericks and freethinkers to meet, socialise & engage in high quality Intellectual discussions in good faith (with drinks!🍺🍷) & is for anyone interested in:

• 🧠 Psychology & biology
• 🗳️ Politics & political discourse
• 📜 Philosophy & literature
• 🍆 Sex, Sexuality & "Gender"
• 📜 Enlightenment Values
• 📊 Economics
• ⚖️ Liberalism
• 💬 Freedom of expression
• 💭 Freedom of thought
• 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Freedom of assembly
• 🎌 Nationalism & Populism
• 💸 Capitalism, its pro & cons
• ☭ Communism, why it never works
• 👥 Immigration & multiculturalism
• 💩 The Grievance studies affair
• 🤪 Post modern nonsense
• 🍺🍷 Having a good time!!