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Über uns

Autism Spectrum Condition, CROYDON, SUTTON Friendship INASPECTRUM – Autism at home This is a better website, easier to manage.
People can come from anywhere, not restricted to any area. we don't have fees, this Meetup group is your registration. or ring 07900990292
IMPORTANT we have members who are not on meetup
Please note we also have members who are not on "MEETUP" and attend the meetings. Please use the above email to come to meetings if you don't wish to join "Meetup"
Our Vision is to gather together an inclusive association of people affected by Autism Spectrum Conditions.
Our Goal is to have the association members contribute to the world around them.
Our Objective is show pictures and written work that encourages us and others to realise their abilities, hopes and even dreams.
We will have a good time together.
Our strength comes from the participation of its members, their helping each other and themselves to understand, to trust, and to enable each other.
Another strength or outcome is the members feeling valued and growing in confidence and self-worth, a person with Autism can say “this is my world and I want to share it” also they will see a bigger world outside of their own as individuals and say “I want to be a part of this bigger world
We feel it is not beneficial to admit only people who have Autism, how can we expect the community to accept the association if we are set apart., Building a community to include people with Autism is why the association is enhanced by people who are affected or have an interest in Autism.
Through informal yet structured coffee table type meetings it can be shared what a person or people want to achieve from being a part of Inaspectrum?
Lead Enabler