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Über uns

Hello friends of cultural and language exchange,

Here comes the Japanese Conversation Group directly from London to you in Munich!

The JCG is a long standing and well connected group founded in 1997 and their meetings take place every first Tuesday each month. The group is affiliated with the famous Japan Society.

Having been a committee member in this group until my move to Munich, I am hoping to find as many enthusiasts about Japanese as well as German culture and language. Due to the connection with London, a bit of British angle also fell into the mix.

The idea behind this group is to bring together non-Japanese, who either speak Japanese or are serious about learning Japanese, and Japanese native speakers, who come together to converse in a pub/bar setting. It's all about learning, having fun and making new friends. Of course, everybody is welcome!

This meet-up is still under construction, but please feel free to join the club and we'll arrange the first event!

See you soon,