Über uns
LGBTQIA+ running group in Berlin. Join us every week for a run, and stay for coffee and conversation afterwards.
We're a very sociable group of people with different fitness levels (gazelles and tortoises welcome). The group is about running but also about meeting others and spending time together. We vary our meeting point from week to week, but usually it's one of the major parks in Berlin.
You can pick your distance and pace - most likely you will find somebody who's running at the same pace or wants to do a similar distance (some natural subgroups will form). After around 1 hour we meet at a starting point and head off for breakfast/brunch/dinner/etc depending on the time of the day.
Answers to frequently asked questions
- We don't have changing facilities but we really manage well without. For the cold/wet months, consider running with a small backpack so you can change into dry/warmer clothes after the run.
- Please respect the time of others. We give latecomers around 5 minutes but really appreciate it when you tell us - if you know you're running late, send a message.
- If you've signed up for a run but can't join, please edit your RSVP. Shit happens, we get it :-)
- We usually book (if possible) the coffee/brunch spot the night before. While the places we go to can usually accommodate extra folks, priority goes to those that signed up early.
- Basic info such as the starting time and the day of the run is always included in the description of the event, but sometimes we miss things. If you've got a question, post it to the group so we all benefit.
- Can't find the meeting point? Post a comment and we'll get back to you quickly.