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Achieving Flow States - Psychology & Neuroscience

Foto von Rico Alokuzay
Hosted By
Rico A.
Achieving Flow States - Psychology & Neuroscience


How can we get into Flow states?

When we are in flow, we experience intense focus, heightened awareness, and effortless engagement. We may lose ourselves in the present moment and become fully immersed in the task at hand. Many have called this a state of optimal experience.

We will look at the psychology and neuroscience underlying such Flow states and discuss strategies to achieve them consistently.
This is an English mini-workshop and everybody is welcome.

Where: Online via Zoom
When: 8 pm - 9 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there!

PS: Please ensure having the Zoom application installed to enter the MeetUp.

Photo of Psychology, Productivity & Habit Change group
Psychology, Productivity & Habit Change
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