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Über uns

"Don't look now, but the human race is terribly unhappy. Oh, not you, of course. You're fine. It's the rest of us that have bungled it." - Brad Blanton "Practising Radical Honesty" 

Radical Honesty offers you a process to directly express and get over anger, reach full body forgiveness, and create an authentic connection with others.

There is no ultimate manual for living Radical Honesty. We learn by the practice of telling what is. This group is for you if you miss honesty in your relationships and if you are willing to change your life by telling the truth. With radical honesty, we challenge concepts, and assumptions and re-discover ourselves, not as we think we should be but as we notice happening moment by moment. We do it with the help of practicing professionals and a committed community of truthtellers. The goal of the group is to gather a committed community of truthtellers, share experiences, and connections, and spread the culture of honest authentic no-bullshit living, relating, and working together. Here we create self-fulfilling and self-actualized people with no stress and plenty of unreasonable joy to connect. 

Bevorstehende Events (3)

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