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Über uns

Welcome to the Group

In this group we will be running online and live events that address:

1.     The Essence of Self-Love: Self-love is the gentle embrace we offer to ourselves, a commitment to our well-being that transcends the superficial. It is a journey of acceptance, kindness, and compassion towards our own being, recognizing our inherent value irrespective of external validation. Practicing self-love involves acknowledging and embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities, fostering a deep connection with our authentic selves.
We will cover exploring the make up of the Divine Feminine for the matrue woman as part of the beautiful mosaic that makes you unique. How to cultivate a positive inner dialogue of the feminine, replacing self-criticism with self-compassion.

2.     The Significance of Self-Worth: Self-worth is the bedrock upon which our decisions, relationships, and Success rest. It is the unshakable belief in our inherent value and deservingness of love, respect, and success. Elevating self-worth involves recognizing and challenging negative self-perceptions, fostering a sense of competence, and valuing oneself independently of external judgments.
Understanding the importance of self-worth is crucial. When we believe in our worthiness, we set healthy boundaries, make choices aligned with our values, and pursue goals with determination. High self-worth acts as a shield against the harsh criticisms of the world, allowing us to weather storms with resilience.

  1. Creating Options for Increasing Your Income: The mature woman has an abundance of experience and creativity and one of the intentions in this group is to explore the ways you can financially capitalize on your income opportunitues whether that is in settling an acrimonious divorce, aquiring a better job , starting an online business or improving how you are using your existing income.

The Group is run by COURAGE ENTERPRIZES an organization which empowers people to overcome fear, doubt, lack of self-belief and confidence using mindset, psychology, meditation, metaphysics, music and miracle training to help people in the areas of dating, love and relationships; depression, stress  and anxiety; money, prosperity and abundance; business, health, wealth and wellbeing.
For media Inquiries contact welcome@lorrayndepeyer.com
