Über uns
Our teaching system is aimed at all those who want to get to know an organic entry into the wonderful world of the Argentinian tango. The tango is complex and multifaceted, you can never quite grab it, since there are always unexpected discoveries.
We work intensively on body, the connection to the partner and the musicality. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, which makes contact with one's own body, stimulates the attitude, and exercises tangospecific movements.
Improvisation is more important to us than the memorization of steps. Not to show new combinations is the goal of our lessons, but to accompany our students along the way, where they find new steps themselves ... because that is how the Tango was created at the time, so Tango is fun ... and wanting to We do not deny you! <br>Our teaching style is supported by the individual encounter with the needs of each participant. Each one of us brings something into our classes and the course of our dance school. This gives our students the opportunity not only to get to know the style and the opinion of a person, but to experience and practice the diversity that is an important part of tango.
All courses work according to a "drop-in" system: at any time, you can go for a quick snorkel, with and without a partner, and then decide whether we are the right place for your personal tango development.
We look forward to your visit :)