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Über uns

TurnON Hamburg organisiert sogenannte "TurnON-Events" und reden über Orgasmische Meditation (kurz OM oder OMing).
Bei einer TurnON Veranstaltung lernst wie du deine Beziehungen und deine Interaktionen authentischer und intimer gestalten kannst. 
Fällt es dir manchmal schwer, jemandem zu sagen was dir wirklich durch den Kopf geht?
Bei TurnOn geben wir dir durch verschiedene Kommunikationsspiele die Möglichkeit die Kunst der Intimität zu lernen. Dabei kannst du selber entscheiden wie aktiv du mitmachen möchtest - auf jeden Fall wirst du an diesem Abend etwas darüber lernen wie du deine Wünsche und Urteile so äußern kannst, dass du dich mit deinen Mitmenschen besser verstehst und dich ihnen näher fühlst..
Für einen Eindruck schau dir das Video von Depak Chopra an: 
TurnON führt zu Authentizität und Authentizität führt zu der Art der Verbindung, die wir uns für die ganze Welt erhoffen.
Komm und fühle es selbst!
Dies ist eine Gruppe für Menschen die sich für das Thema Orgasmus Meditation (OM) interessieren. Alle sind willkommen. Ich habe diese Gruppe gestartet weil ich andere Menschen kennen lernen möchten die OM praktizieren oder sich dafür interessieren. Ich freue mich dich kennen zu lernen.

Here the English description although the event is in German:
TurnON Events are a place where we explore, through communication only, the parts of our inner dialog that are normally considered "inappropriate" in our polite society. When we do this together with other people in the room, it leads to immense connection. We do this in a safe, open, and honest way through playing communication games.
How often do we get an opportunity to be real with each other?
It can feel unsafe, inappropriate, or unwelcome by those around you.
Instead, imagine meeting new people in an environment where people felt comfortable to be themselves. That's what we've created!
It's a refreshing change from the typical networking or sports bar conversation.
You get the opportunity to examine yourself. Through other people putting quality attention on you, asking questions with genuine curiosity, and then listening - really listening – to your responses.
What comes up might surprise you!
We play three communication games that will challenge you to consider questions like 'What are your relationships like?' 'What does Orgasm mean to you?' and 'What's one secret desire you have?'
Questions like these encourage vulnerability. And, what happens when you get vulnerable? It creates intimacy... which is what we're all searching for!
It's amazing how connected we can end up feeling - even in a room full of strangers - when we are willing to say what's real.
OneTaste as an organization teaches a practice called Orgasmic Meditation, otherwise known as OM. The games we play at TurnON are designed to create the visceral sensation of Orgasm/OM in your body, without having to actually do the practice (or remove any clothing!) - sort of like having the feeling of an incredible dessert without having consumed any of the calories. 
You can play at whatever level feels comfortable to you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, or answer any questions you don't want to answer.
It's a friendly invitation to play and push your edges in a way that feels good. This allows you to stretch yourself and inspires self-discovery!
We start on time so please arrive fifteen minutes early.
For questions feel free to contact me