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New Poll: More Info About Nominated Books

From: Judah F.
Sent on: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 11:32 PM
Some of our members have voiced a desire to know who nominated a book and why the book was nominated, asking that this information be posted on the website.

Members also have asked that the person who nominated a selected book ought to attend the meeting where the book is discussed. This would mean monitoring the RSVPs, and if that person does not RSVP "yes," emailing that person with a special invitation to join us to discuss the book he or she nominated.

At this point, assistant organizer Lori is running the nomination process, which means tracking the nominated books, creating the monthly polls, posting links to the Amazon pages for each of the nominated books, and updating the list of the books we've read together. Lori is already doing as much as she can do.

Since Lori is not able to do more, and since I'm also at the edge of my capacity, we would need an additional assistant organizer to take on these additional tasks.

Since we make major decisions by democratic process in this book club, I'm putting this to a vote! Please share your preferences by clicking the "polls" link:

In case our member agree they want more information about the nominated books, if you are willing to become our second assistant organizer to handle the new functions, please email me.

-- Judah

Judah Freed, organizer
Denver Book Club Meetup

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