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CodeMontage: Improve your coding skills while improving the world

From: Vanessa
Sent on: Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 7:02 PM


I'm excited to introduce you all to CodeMontage, a program developed with input and feedback from so many of you (thank you!) to help developers of all levels build their skills while building capacity for social mission projects.

From the Developers for Good blog,

CodeMontage improves your coding skills with real projects that matter. You’ll get real challenges that build your skills, code reviews and feedback from excellent developers, and a portfolio of open source code that makes a difference in the world.

We believe software developers make some of the best superheroes, and we know becoming a superhero isn’t easy. We also know there’s a big difference between learning to code and feeling ready to save the world. We’d like to help you get to the next level, whether it’s a new job, comfort in a new language, or skills to build your own world-saving project.

Our first CodeMontage session will run from Monday, November 19 to Friday, December 14 and cost $500. The program is remote and designed for flexibility around your schedule, but requires your commitment to completing challenges and improving your code based on feedback. You can apply to CodeMontage here:


Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or feedback. You've been pivotal in getting the program and community this far, and I look forward to making even more happen in the future.




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