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Thursday: Join DFA to phone friends for Saldana!

From: Mike C.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 6:05 PM

DFA Members -- Join me in phoning for Lori Saldana for US Congress!  Let's send Brian Bilbray back to lobbyist K-street.

Date: Thursday May 17th

Location: Saldana campaign offices 4310 Genesee Suite 109 (near Balboa Ave)

Time: 5:30pm to 8:00pm (or any fraction you can make it!)

Provided: phones, call scripts, pizza, fun

 What: Option 1) Bring your OWN address book so you can call your friends and neighbors in Lori's district, or get call sheets from Kayla and dial voters who are identified likely Supporters.

 Email [address removed] to let her know you are WITH DFA and want to elect a DFA Dean's List candidate, former Assemblymember Lori Saldana.

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