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GoCode Colorado hackathons

From: John W.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 2:45 PM
Hey fellow refreshers! 

I wanted to share something I’ve been working on. 

Go Code Colorado is an apps challenge designed to make public data more accessible and user-friendly. Teams of developers and entrepreneurs across the state will compete to solve business problems and grow our economy, by building apps that will help Colorado companies thrive. The Challenge starts in five locations across the state-- Boulder, Colorado Springs, Durango, Ft. Collins and Grand Junction -- and continues with a Mentor Checkin and a Finalist Competition in Denver. A stipend will cover all finalists’ travel expenses to Denver for the  Mentor Checkin and Finalist Competition. The three finalist apps judged to be the best will take home $25,000, $15,000 or $10,000 in incentives on May 9th. To sign-up and get involved go to:

I’ll be running the Fort Collins hackathon if anyone wants to volunteer as a helper or just get out of town for a weekend and hack somewhere different :)

Any help spreading the word would be awesome and appreciated! 

See ya next meeting.

John Wilker
Founder, 360|Conferences
CEO, Denwhere?
twitter: jwilker | 360|intersect | 360|Stack | 360|iDev

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