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Free Food, Free Beer, Free Knowledge

From: Andrew C.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 9:44 AM

Hello and Happy New Year from the Refresh Team!

We hope everyone had a great holiday and is excited for the year ahead. Our team has tons of things in store and is super excited for our first event of 2014 featuring Anthony Navarre of thoughtbot, inc.

Beyond the amazing community (that's you all) this group wouldn't happen without our great sponsors. We've picked up a few new ones that will be providing food, libations, and more. If you see them out please make sure you thank them for everything.

For tomorrow night we will be meeting at Galvanize. They have been fantastic for the Denver community and have offered up their space to us. Zenman will be providing catering from Wazee Supper Club tomorrow night. TEKsystems and thoughtbot will be providing beverages for you all.

The schedule is below, but as you know we try to keep it casual.

Event Schedule

6:30PM - Drinks, Food, Camaraderie  
7:00PM(ish) - Talk + Q&A  
After - Networking

We hope you all will join us and have a great time tomorrow.

- The Refresh Team


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