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Third session includes XP for the group as a whole and individual XP

From: Scott H.
Sent on: Monday, June 11, 2012, 9:23 PM

PC’s and roleplay xp
Chris aka Rakko 120 Pablo aka Shanx 30 Sara aka Keres 45
Scott aka Westin 0 Dallas aka Draeden 80 Brian aka Tesa/Tsin 65

Third session: Full Team XP: 1089
Heroes in the cave: XP: 368

Alawiches argues that we have what we need to satisfy the guide why must we continue in this deadly cave? Talset agrees with Alawicihes adding that this cave has nearly killed us.

Westlin and Draeden pledge to destroy all evil in this cave and order Talset as there escort to follow him in battle. Evil must die as was the guides wish. Talset agrees to these terms.

Alawiches leaves in an upset temper to find another way into the city.

The heroes’ fought some black bears and a hell hound farther into the cave. After defeating the Hell hound Tesa heard some screaming and pointed out that Alawiches might be in trouble. The decision was made that they we in no condition to confront any evil in their current condition. The party then prepares for rest in the cave. During their rest all the heroes have a repeating dream that they have been having for weeks now.
(Level up to 3rd)

Other Heroes XP: 550

After joining a trading nomadic tribe of humans who passed near the entrance to the grand valley Shanx decided to leave in the early morning to continue his quest to Astoria. He traveled the so called grand valley that only the pure may pass for what seemed like weeks. Only to finds himself confused because he passed the same trees twice or three times. Finally he decides he is getting nowhere and sets camp at a cave which is as far north as believes he has ever reached. After eating his rapidly dwindling rations he is approached by a dark skinned elf almost out of nowhere. Strange to his sight as elves are always light skinned. He is concerned even though she seems nice almost too nice.

After eating and learning more a bit about each other Shanx is starting to warm up to Keres, yet still wondering why this strange dark skinned elf is being so nice. He explains that this valley is never-ending and he is about to venture into the cave to find another way to the great city. She tells him in a round about way there are more people like me down that cave, which is not the way to the city unless you want to go to my city.

Rakko is a Goblin which is nearly unknown to many of the races. They are not considered even humanoid in most cases. Many of their kin can not speak and are savaging the caves for food. Any meat makes them happy. Troubled by this repeating dream Rakko is dangerously on a collision course for the city of silver and white. Killing anything is his way. After emerging from the caves as he has never done before in the distance he knows there is a city of silver. After spend week’s rand sacking wolves, bears, and eagles Rakko’s surroundings feel the same never changing. Increasing impatience spurs a idea in Rakko’s mind. He then marks the mountain sides and realizes he is repeating himself. Until late one afternoon he comes across two humanoids and a fire in the distance his aggression raises as he sees’s food.

Shanx and Keres look up from there argument about which way to go and notice a small green skinned thing with a huge sword coming at them. Shanx Steps back and ready’s an arrow and says stop or I will fire. Keres steps to the side and makes no hostile movements and pulls out some nice meaty rations. The goblin does not stop at all Shanx continues to step back slowly until all of a sudden he blinks and the surroundings change and he is once again in familiar place a week from where he was. Behind him is the ocean and in front of him is the valley once again. So he sets to the valley once again. After 4 days in the distance he see’s yet another creature on two legs. He thinks to himself, oh great what now. Bow and arrow ready he approaches. The creature starts waving a weapon and yelling crazy gibberish in a weird language. So shanx releases and arrow and hits him the left shoulder. The elf changes language to common and says in rapid speech, don’t shoot I am not evil, I am not evil, I am lost, I know things, I can help you. So Shanx approaches the elf who introduces himself as the great Dr. Alawhiches. They create a camp and Shanx goes off hunting because his rations are nearly gone. After catching some rabbits and squirrels and listening to the doctor swear there was a cave where it was simply a rock face of the mountain and unbelievable life story. Shanx is defiantly thinking this guy is nuts.

Keres notices Shanx has disappeared. She then turns to the goblin and offers him some weasel meat she snagged in the caves. He is very aggressive, but does not attack Keres she is as nice she can be to him as she inquires about where he is going and what she can do to help him. Finnaly the goblin talks saying “meat is good you have much meat, we going to city of silver to find what I must find, what concern is it of you where we going.” She is quite shocked that the creature can even talk. They agree after much failure to understand each other to move north and not into the cave that stands to their west. As with Shanx they magically from what Keres can till now in what seems like different surroundings almost from a blink of an eye. They travel north for several days and reach a camp where Shanx and another humanoid is at. Rakko the goblin enrages as he is very hungry and charges the doctor. He does little to resist and is dispatched by Rakko with the help from Shanx, but enrages as he is Rakko then turns to Shanx and charges. Luckily Shanx caught the attention of a giant eagle with an arrow who then dove into combat with the goblin just in time. Together they dispose of the Eagle all while Keres is the back yelling run from the crazy green thing. Rakko’s rage is still full throttle and once again turns to Shanx. The sun sets and all three Keres, Rakko and Shanx faint into their repeating dream. The morning coming and Rakko is no longer enraged, but hungry and they all are lead to the camp by Rakko and his nose where the dead are stack up neatly and tracks lead straight into the wall face.

After all the meat was off the bones clear though the mountain wall walks four adventurers one in a full plate armor, one in robe, one in cloaks, and the last is in worn armor. The robe greets them and explains that they two are looking for the entrance to the great city. They believe the answer is within this cave. They talk among themselves for nearly an hour to convince everyone that following them is in their best interest. The wizard Draeden then run dead straight into the mountain wall and the goblin giggles so low and creepy the whole party is a little horrid. As spreading blood from a severed beast head the wall disappears and they all enter the cave. After saving their see through guide from three beasts they make their tribute to this so called magical pond. The exits glow and a shielded with white light and the pond glows gold, silver, green. Blue, red, and then turns crystal clear and shiny. Everyone walks into the pond drawn by its brilliance.

The adventurers are instantly teleported to a burning city where everyone is running for their lives. Keres stops one and she informs them the children are trapped in the temple. Against all odds they risk their lives to save the children. Shanx nearly died as they exit and find the pond on the other side which they enter.

Upon entering the pond this time the group is teleported, or rather summoned to a large table where they stand among what appears to be leaders every prime race on Asteria. The leaders speak of the group as gods and are asking their advice to solve the problem of racial disputes’. Several arguments flare up and the room gets louder and louder until Keres cast darkness and the summoning circle they binded to is engulfed in darkness as cylinder of black is upon the table. From the darkness Keres says a profound statement very loudly and all the leaders place their weapons on the table and sit down quietly. The group gives more advise lead by Dreaden. They all agree to fight the uprising of orcs to save the land. Only after the Orc leader arrives and causes more controversy. The heroes phase out of that world and time and are again in the cave standing before the shiny clear pond.

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