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New Fees / Location for dodgeball

From: Troy L.
Sent on: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 12:34 PM
In March, MLK will begin charging a $3 court fee for our dodgeball events. They'll also be moving us from the multi-purpose room onto a half-court reserved for open-dodgeball on Wed (not sure about Sat yet).

In the short term, it's likely that we'll simply continue holding our events at MLK. However, as summer approaches, this non air-conditioned space may become unbearably hot.

There are three locations that we can also consider hosting our pick-up games this summer:

1. MLK - on half court in gym with $3 court fee and no AC. This space can hold 45+ people

2. 43 Hoops in Hopkins - this indoor space is pretty ideal for dodgeball games of 30 or so people and is air-conditioned. there's a $2 court fee.

3. Kenwood Park (near Lake of the Isles) - This is the the ancestral home of It's outdoors, of course (and Free!)

It'd certainly be fun to have a few games outdoors (at Kenwood or elsewhere) but I think we'd want to schedule most of our games indoors so we don't have to worry about weather.

Although the AC factor may become more important in the heat of summer, I'm guessing the most important factor is going to be location (and not the $1 difference in court fee).

I've set up a poll to see which location is more convenient for people - MLK in South Mpls or 43 Hoops in Hopkins. Depending on the results, we may choose to one venue over the other, or to split our events up between the two.

Take the poll here to let us know:

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