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What we’re about

Welcome to Adelaide Social Wellbeing Group! Thank you for joining the group and looking forward to meeting you at a broad range of events. The purpose of this group is to increase social connections for people in their 20’s,30’s, and 40’s. I have kept the age range specific so you can meet like-minded people around a similar age. Our events include a great selection of activities such as game afternoons, walks/hikes, dinners, lunches, Adelaide Festival's, bowling, nights out and anything fun and exciting happening in Adelaide! I am open to event suggestions as well, so let me know if you see anything of interest.

Regular and new members are welcome at all events and hoping to eventually meet everyone!

There are group rules, which members need to adhere to:
1. Having a clear profile picture so I can find you at events.
2. Please finalize your RSVP 24 hours before an event ( however I do understand things can change at the last minute, but let me know if you can ).
3. Three no shows after saying yes to events will result in removal from the group.
4. Respect for all members must be shown at all times