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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in morning walks and a good coffee and a chat!!!
Morning walks will include such areas as Parks and Beaches within Sydney, as long as there is an espresso bar along the way!!
Early morning walks are a great way to start the day, together with an amazing coffee!!
Looking forward to exploring the outdoors and a good coffee and chat with everybody!!

As Meetup is no longer a charity the fees have been going up.
As such all members are required to pay an annual fee of $10 per year.

This is due on the first walk you attend.
Cash can be accepted.

Account BSB 302 962 Account number 0037354 for Osko.
Its ok with a normal transfer as well.

Use the name you have in this group in the description.

For those that haven't met me yes I will kick you off a walk :)

Note see our liability waiver below as well.
Kind regards,
Justine :-)
Joining a walking group is one of the easiest ways to boost health and morale, according to an investigation published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Researchers at Britain's University of East Anglia analysed 42 published studies of people who took up organised walking - regular outings that typically lasted less than an hour.
Walkers enjoyed 'statistically significant improvements' in wellbeing compared to their formerly sedentary state, the probe found.
Small but measurable gains were seen in general fitness, blood pressure, resting heart rate, lung power, cholesterol levels, body fat and in a standard test to measure depression.
These are benefits that doctors should point out to sedentary patients, the paper said.
'Walking groups are effective and safe with good adherence and wide-ranging health benefits.'
The published studies, accessed through online databases, involved almost 2,000 people in 14 countries.
The volunteers were assessed before and after joining a walking group, and many had a wide-range of long-term health conditions, ranging from diabetes, arthritis and depression to obesity and Parkinson's disease.
- See more at:

Public Waiver
By RSVP Yes" to any events of our group is on the acknowledge and acceptance of our Public Waiver Section. When you join you have accepted that there is no public liability insurance.
Acknowledgement and Waiver
Coffee Walk and Talk, Social Meetup Group advises all intending and actual participants in any of the activities of the group that any or all of those activities may be considered “adventure sport” require appropriate physical fitness, competence and equipment and may involve an element of risk. Participants in any activity of the group do so voluntarily and in the knowledge of the fitness, competence and the equipment required and fully understanding and accepting the risks involved. All participants acknowledge that they take part in such activities at their own risk and will hold none of the Group, the leader(s), others involved in organising or assisting with the activity or any of the other participants in an activity responsible for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity whether due to negligence, misadventure, accident or otherwise.
Those inviting visitors on activities or deliberately or otherwise providing details of Group activities to others indemnify the Group and agree that in doing so they have made the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver clear and that those participating in an activity as a consequence do so in full acceptance of this Acknowledgement and Waiver. The Group, its leaders, those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity may, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, rely on this Acknowledgement and Waiver as a bar or limitation to any claim for death, injury or loss that may result from such activity. 
You accept the public waiver section when you RSVP to any of the meetup events. When RSVPed" Yes" to any events, you warrant that all of the information you have provided is both complete and correct and you agree to the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver and indemnify the Group, its leaders , those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity.