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What we’re about

About our group:
Our membership is capped at 165. Should we have reached that number, your application will go on a 'Wait List' and you will be notified as an opening becomes available.

Joining this group, which is capped at 165 members, will enable you to comfortably and safely mix with like-minded over 55’s for a variety of social gatherings, large and small. Too often, the opportunity for people to meet and form friendships at our age are limited and often, breaking into a group can be challenging for both men and women. Singles and couples may apply (individually).
This group has been formed to facilitate the opportunity for meeting people, forming friendships and really having a terrific time with lots of laughter, good conversation and good fun. At the same time, the aim is to help people become familiar with names and faces so that they feel a sense of 'belonging'.
Our events are varied and include: Dancing to live bands, Dining (cafes and restaurants, lunches and dinners), Rock'n'Roll lessons, Blues Music and Concerts, Line Dancing, Karaoke, Walks, Coffee Mornings/Afternoons and may include Picnics, Wineries, Concerts and we are certainly open to members’ suggestions. As such, people in the group are encouraged to ‘host’ an event on a topic or in an area that they feel familiar with and comfortable in sharing.
We want our members to be active participants of the group and regularly attend our events. For this reason, we have attendance requirements. If you are looking for a more casual approach, then this group may not be a good ‘fit’.
As this is a Private Group, we also reserve the right to reject an application and no correspondence will be entered into.
Please read our Guidelines before applying as all members must commit to the following:
1. First and foremost, this is a social group and not a dating group. Obviously as adults, people do ‘meet up’ during the course of the events and relationships are formed, but this is not the primary function of the group. All members must feel safe and comfortable and any unwanted attention or behaviour contrary to this is unacceptable. Offenders will be removed from the group and all fees forfeited.

2. Are you prepared to regularly attend events?
Regular attendance is required to build a cohesive and friendly group. Non-attendance over 3 months may automatically cause a membership to be forfeited along with the fees. Illness, holidays etc. are to be expected as long as the Organiser is advised.

3. As this is a group for and of adults, it is expected that people will behave in a mature fashion, but should a problem occur that can’t be managed between and by the individuals concerned, then the Organiser/s are to be advised. We can't assist if we aren't aware of a problem.

4. Events are usually hosted and the host clearly identified. New members are required to identify/seek the host at their first event so they can be introduced to others. If it is a 'non hosted' event, it will state this on the event notification i.e. This is a Non-Hosted event.

5. The events are organised for the benefit of the committed members, therefore Guests or Plus 1’s are not accepted unless specifically advised when an event is posted. As numbers are usually capped and bookings taken on a "first in" basis, it is unfair for a member to be prevented from attending because a place has been taken up by a Guest/Plus 1.

6. Membership fees to join this group are $10 per annum, preferably by Bank Transfer. Renewals for the year will be due by the 31st December (annually). Notices will be sent out from mid November. This fee is payable within a month of joining, until then a person is a Provisional Member. Annual Renewals must be paid by December 31st or membership will be forfeited.

7. Event Fees. Occasionally events are planned that may have a cover charge or upfront fee. Your confirmation to attend one of these events becomes active on receipt of monies paid to the Treasurer, with indication of name and event. If tickets are being sold through a 3rd party (Try-booking, Eventbrite etc) then only confirm your attendance once a ticket as been purchased.

8. Attendance at a Hosted Event is required within one month of joining. The $10.00 annual membership fee is to be paid via Bank Transfer (within the first month), or to the Event Host at the first event you attend to secure Full Membership, or your Membership will be declined.  Monies for Membership or any booking expenses may be paid into:                     
Bendigo Bank, Modbury
BSB 633-000
Account 208791558
NB Please indicate your NAME and PURPOSE of the $$ transfer ie Membership, NYE etc.

9. CRUCIAL: Have you provided a RECENT, PASSPORT-STYLE photograph of yourself? We need a CLOSE UP of your face. NB NO HATS, SUNGLASSES, PETS, FRIENDS, CHILDREN, FULL LENGTH OR WAIST UP PHOTOS. This is the only way Event Hosts and other members can recognise you when you first start attending events. This is really important and helps you to ‘fit in’ and feel comfortable very quickly. YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED without the correct photo format, but you will be notified. NB Please ensure that your photo is a recent one or you may be asked to change it. Changes to existing photos can be done through your MEET UP PROFILE.

10. Please provide your first name, or the name you would prefer to be known by, AND either your SURNAME OR INITIAL (we may need to differentiate between multiple people with the same name) eg Rob Smith, Rob S or Rob JS. This needs to be NEXT to your photo.  YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED without this, but you will be notified.

Only reply ‘Yes’ to events if you intend to attend. If a person has booked but doesn't attend, this is regarded as a "NO SHOW" as does cancelling on the day of the event for any reason.
Three or more 'No Shows' per calendar year, will result in a conversation with the Organisers to ascertain a member's intent to remain as an active participant of the Group, and may necessitate forfeiting membership.
The reason we are so firm on this, is that each event booking by a member keeps another member out, as numbers are usually capped, depending on the venue. If you have RSVP'd and then find you are unable to attend for any reason, please change your RSVP to "NO" by the end of the day prior to the event, then those on the Waitlist can move to the 'Going' list.
We would rather a member book in later or on the day through the host (contact through PM) than keep another member out because of a late change of plans.

    Any event requiring a fee to the Group Bank Account to confirm a booking, will have a 'cancellation by' date clearly stated. Cancellations after that date will forfeit the moneys paid. In the event that the event is cancelled, all monies will be refunded.
    And, again, cancellation of attendance on the day of the event is considered a 'NO SHOW'.

By participating in this group and any activity with the Dancing, Dining and Much More (DDMM) group, all members agree to release DDMM and the Organiser, Co Organisers and Hosts from all actions, demands, claims for costs, charges, damages, liabilities and expenses which you have now or in the future, against the DDMM group, for death, injury to the body, mind, emotions, or any loss or damage that you may sustain or incur as a result of your participation in any activity and the group.
Members also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the DDMM group in relation to any claims as a result, or arising in relation to, whether directly or indirectly, your participation in the group and any activity or any act of omission by any member in relation to the activity.
Further, Members agree that individuals whose behaviour, after review by the Organisers, is deemed incompatible with the cordial operation of the Group may have their membership terminated; the Organisers reserve the right to action this without further discussion or explanation.

Your paid-up Membership Fee acts as a confirmation that you have read, understood and accepted the above terms.
Please complete the PROFILE QUESTIONS on the application form.
Thank you