What we’re about
The Ex-Religious Support Network (ESN) is a place where people who have left their religion or are leaving their religion get an opportunity to develop friendships and tap into resources that will help them on their journey through a life without religion. This network offers an opportunity for members to share the challenges and triumphs of their journey towards unbelief. In this safe environment, members can learn and support others experiencing the same challenges as themselves.
For security and confidentiality, your membership and group conversations are not displayed publicly. This is a private Meetup.
Note: This is a Humanists Australia Community. Participants are expected to adhere to the Humanists Australia Code of Conduct. We do not allow harassment of any kind, or promotion of any goods, services or groups unrelated to the purposes of this group (except by prior permission of the organisers).
Read, print and download our resource pamphlets for people leaving their religion and wanting to find out more about this group:
ESN information pamphlet
ESN ‘Secular Communities’ pamphlet
ESN ‘Resources’ pamphlet