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What we’re about

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled apps on mobile, web & desktop. You can learn all about Flutter and what it can do here at 

Flutter Melbourne is for developers interested in using Flutter to develop mobile, web, desktop or embedded apps. If you are just starting out or are more advanced, Flutter Melbourne is where you can talk with others about all things Flutter.

Twitter - Follow @FlutterMelb to get updates on news, events and swag

Slack - Join the GDG Australia & New Zealand community, then join the #flutter channel 

YouTube - To watch our previous events

Wiki - Repository and wiki for code, presentations, example code, as well as apps, packages, plugins and code contributions by members


📅 Meetup Events - Special and regular events where we have speakers present on a variety of Flutter topics.

📅 Hack Nights - Few if any presentations where its all about the code, socialising, collaborating on problems and learning from others. Usually a combined event with other groups such as GDG Melbourne / CocoaHeads which are focussed on Android / iOS. 


We are a subgroup of GDG Melbourne and all attendees are asked to act in accordance with our Code of Conduct

* Flutter and the related logo are trademarks of Google LLC. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with Google LLC.