What we’re about
***UPDATE Covid-19: All events will be managed to best support a safe and respectful environment for organisers and attendees. To do this you will be required to manage your rsvps by following comments and any communication posted responding accordingly. Please ensure you read the below before applying.
What we're about
This group is full of a great bunch of girls that will get-together at a minimum monthly for a good laugh whether that be over lunch, dinner, drinks, hiking, fitness, events etc..... Don't be shy, newbies are always welcomed by the group, you won't feel left out, we are a great mix of fabulous girls.
We have a limited member base but high attendance as our group wanted to offer a point of difference to other groups. Members are between 37 and 56. This age range will rise by one each year on 1 January to keep up the group maturing with age. Real commitment is required for this group and a photo of you as your profile pic :-)
This group is for females with limited friends looking for a tribe to join and get together often to establish ongoing friendships. This is not an activities group. The group is restricted to under 50 members to keep it real to enable strong, ongoing friendships and not flip flop in every 6 months and constantly have to meet new people all the time.
Come and join us and enjoy our childfree lifestyle.
**STRICTLY - This page is our Membership Agreement and applies to all to ensure the group is full of real attendees.
When joining you automatically accept this page which is our membership agreement.
• This group is about getting together often and making ongoing friendships - the Crows can't play if the team members don't show up haha!! -
• Events will be managed to best support a safe and respectful environment for all in particular due to Covid.
• Manage your rsvps for events by following comments and any communication posted responding accordingly. Failure to respect this could result in being marked as not going or let go from the group.
• Females wanting to make ongoing friendships not just looking for activities that suit from time to time.
• Females only between 37 years and 56 years of age and who do not have kids under the age of 18, including step kids.
• If you join you come along to a meet-up within 1 month to ensure the group is full of real attendees. If you have not attended a meet-up within 1 month you are not really interested in being part of this group or we do not offer what you are looking for and will be let go.
• If you do not continue to attend in the following 2 months this also tells us the group is not what you are looking for will be let go.
• Minimum attendance 6 meet-ups over 12 months or you will be let go from the group.
• 6 months of continued non attendance will be considered as inactive and you will be let go from the group. You are welcome to re-join at a later date.
• Our list of events is based on trial and error and good attendance (we have been doing this now very successfully for 8 years). If you wish to suggest an event or be a host of an event please contact one of the organisers for us to consider.
• If you are a member of more than 10 other groups you will be declined on the basis that you would be too time poor to contribute to all groups including this group (please understand this is coming from our experience).
• There is a the $20 annual membership fee. You will be contacted when this is due to be paid.
• This group will not tolerate any bullying or disrespectful behaviour. If you experience this please raise this with one of the organisers.
No Show Policy – 24 hours & less than 12 hours notice – limited numbers & booked events
• This group is about getting together often and making ongoing friendships - the Crows can't play if the team members don't show up haha!!.
• Members, if you RSVP 'Yes' to a meetup it is expected that you attend. If you can no longer come to a meetup, please show consideration to other people in the group by changing your RSVP to 'No' at least 24 hours prior to the meetup. We do send reminders in advance reminding members to review your RSVP.
• Anyone who RSVP 'Yes' to a meetup and does not show up or changes their RSVP to 'No' with less than 12 hours notice for no good reason will be marked down as a 'NO SHOW'.
• No shows and late pullouts are frowned upon and we will remind you of this if it occurs.
• Anyone who does this on two or more occasions within a 12 month period, the compromise will be that you are relegated to 6 months of attending only if a spare seat is available on the day of the event. Once 6 months has past you will be given back full opportunity to RSVP as previous. I note that other groups cancel memberships when this occurs but I do not wish to go to this level and have opted for a more lenient option at this stage.
Recurrent reasons ie on-call for work and now working, sickness, no reason given etc (reasons that can be easily misused), will need to be addressed in the same manner above which best suits events and the wider group. As above anyone who does this on two or more occasions within a 12 month period, the compromise will be that you will be relegated to 6 months of attending only if a spare seat is available on the day of the event. Once 6 months has past you will be given back full opportunity to RSVP as previous. I note that other groups cancel memberships when this occurs but I do not wish to go to this level and have opted for a more compromising option at this stage.
Policy for events that do not have limited numbers or require booking
• For events that do not have limited numbers or any booking, it is expected that reasonable notice of change in attendance is given ie 4 hours notice so if numbers become diminished and cancellation of the event occurs this enables sufficient time to give notice to others. A minimum of 4 attendees at each event, which includes the organiser, unless otherwise communicated. If unreasonable change of attendance becomes too recurrent this may be addressed as previously stated above.
Thank you for your understanding!